Where I’ve been!

Where I’ve been!

Hello everyone, its been quite some time since I’ve been present here on my blog and on my YouTube Channel. This blog leads to my latest YouTube video where I describe where I’ve been and what has been taking up so much of my time! {read more}

Be the change

Be the change

Surely we’ve all heard the quote, “be the change”. Often on inspirational posters or the cover of a journal; “be the change you seek to see in the world” is a quote which evokes empowerment. A loft aspiration which can inspire. Certainly, this quote provides {read more}

Building up belief in yourself

Building up belief in yourself

Life can be strange. It ebbs and flows. Thoughts come and go. People come and go. Advice is given and taken back. The seasons change, and we just keep going through the solar system. Life continues on, and small worries, big worries, blue worries, red {read more}

Pursue understanding

Pursue understanding

Start to see life as a ‘choose your own adventure’ book, through understanding yourself!

Woe is me

Woe is me

A walk through Ecclesiastes, one of the most out of place books of the Bible. And how regardless of one’s faith or belief, it can apply to your life.

What is your driving force?

What is your driving force?

As I write my blogs, I tend to do research along side writing. Often, asking questions to the internet before I finish thinking through my own perspective. This leads to the discovery of some great gems! Today’s gem is the, “What is your driving force?” {read more}

Getting ready for your dreams

Getting ready for your dreams

This post is all about getting ready for your hopes and dreams to come true! Take action to day. Be encouraged.

Dreams bigger than ourselves

Dreams bigger than ourselves

What types of dreams have you let drift out of your heart but you can still hear that small, still voice telling you to go after?

An optimistic approach

An optimistic approach

Have you ever sat down at the end of your day and thought, ‘Wow what an amazing day!” Recently, I had just such a wonderful day. Picture if you will, a day filled with fun, laughter, productivity and inspiration. A day which wasn’t devoid of {read more}

The school of life

The school of life

Book recommendations, as if to home school yourself as an adult going through life.