Tag: heart

Rejuvenate your soul

Rejuvenate your soul

Seasons come, Seasons go Winter is somehow almost over in the northern hemisphere! Spring is rolling in, depending on where you are in the world you may already have flowers sprouting! The beginning of any season is especially a happy time for me. The changes {read more}

Love Grows Here Products

Love Grows Here Products

Two tee shirt designs just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Heart Health

Heart Health

Soon it will be Heart Health Awareness month. You may have seen your local American Heart Association signs go up for the walks occurring around the United States.

Today I’m sharing a podcast that especially inspires me to continue taking care of my body. Either through walking, even 30 minutes a day, doing yoga and other exercise. Therefore, I encourage you to sign up for a walk, or start today to improve your daily habits by moving your body and feeding it nutritious food!

The link to donate to Don’s heart walk is here.

Please share any stories you have!

What now?

What now?

That dreaded feeling Do you ever find yourself asking, “What should I do now?”  Potentially this question flashes before you at an unexpected dead-end in the road, and others it comes a ‘real-life’ dead-end. Sometimes, long-time-coming or completely unexpected, this feeling isn’t normally a good {read more}