How to Prepare for your Annual Performance Review

How to Prepare for your Annual Performance Review

Today’s blog post and corresponding YouTube Video goes through how best to prepare for your annual performance review. Receiving feedback at any time can induce anxiety! This is totally normal, but with the right preparation can be alleviated! In this video, I talk about my {read more}

Half-Year Check-In

Half-Year Check-In

For my readers in the United States, Happy Independence Day! For those elsewhere, Happy Monday! To all, welcome to today’s blog. More importantly, welcome to the official second half of 2022. We’ve made it this far. It’s time to assess where we are by doing {read more}

Creating a plan for the second half of the year

Creating a plan for the second half of the year

My wish for you is that the first half of 2022 has gone extremely well! This year has been a defining one for me. And I want to make the most of the second half of the year. Hence, this post!   Let’s jump right {read more}

Slowing down

Slowing down

There was a time in my life where every minute of everyday was planned, and used fully. Barely getting any sleep, working more than one job and a full time student, I would sometimes literally have to run from one thing to another. Thankfully, those {read more}



How often do you get up in the morning, and with each step feel delighted? Putting your feet on the floor, fixing the bed head, and smiling at yourself. Putting your house slippers on and greeting your dog, perhaps with a song. Turning the hot {read more}



Storytime The importance of community, alongside actually experiencing it, only came into my life once I moved to North Carolina. This was a symptom of my own behavior as much as it was the area I lived in. Living in Philadelphia and going to college {read more}

Revisiting your vision

Revisiting your vision

Remember that vision you created toward the end of 2021, or the beginning of this year? Maybe you remember your own whimsical, happy, eagerly expectant vision? If you haven’t yet created it, see the post here. While you are there, it may be helpful to {read more}

Morning affirmations

Morning affirmations

Gooooood Morning! Or whenever you are reading this, happy day! Today’s post is provides a tool for helping to shift your default yourself. Yesterday, my blog was about making decisions on how you want to show up to the different areas of your life.   {read more}

Being bold enough to believe in your dreams

Being bold enough to believe in your dreams

In short, no more auto-pilot down mediocre street. No more settling for second best. This is YOUR LIFE. Take control of your thoughts, actions and thus your future.