Thoughts and inspiration about why delight is so important

When is the last time you found delight in something? For those that have children, pets or gardens, I think this may be a bit more frequent. However, the object of delight varies from person to person. Can you conjure the image of the last thing, person or place you felt delight? Perhaps, it has been too long to remember a specific instance. In that case, think of anything with which you find delight.
Delight is a choice that you and I make.
To revel in moments of celebration. A choice to luxuriate in moments of relaxation or joy.
It’s a choice to be captivated by something. To delight is a choice to find joy.Rachel Smucker,
Whenever I’m reading a blog, or watching something, I appreciate it when examples are provided. This little bit of inspiration can not only give ideas, but also explain the topic so much more. With that in mind, below are some of the things I think of when I think of: delightfulness. I’d love to hear your examples in the comments section below!
For me, I find flowers absolutely delightful. I enjoy looking at them, seeing all the intricacies and enjoying them, both inside and outside my house. At the end of street, there is a rose garden and it makes me ever so happy. Bianca and I walk past it numerous times a day. (Yes, I truly do make time to stop and smell the roses, haha).
Other times, I find delight in the sun rising or setting. The night sky does it for me too. Because of this, I follow the moon cycles closely, its almost a way to tune in more with nature in my opinion. Enjoying any part of nature, whether it be trees or tiny little bugs is something I everyday try to pause and appreciate.
People and Pets
We wouldn’t be able to get through this post without me listing my sweet Bianca. Specifically when she is happy and acting like a puppy. Or in the mornings when she seems so bothered by me waking her up with my singing voice. Sometimes, she jumps in little circles when she is extra excited. And other times she falls asleep on me and I just melt.
Of course the smile of a baby and laughter of a child. Or seeing the children I’ve gotten watch grow up achieve something, large or small. It just gets me right in the heart to see someone else’s efforts pay off. Watching a child explore and the general energy they have for every activity also makes me smile so big. The wonder and glean in a child’s eye makes me want to go explore!
And two of my all time favorites:
Another thing I consider delightful is an amazing meal. Eating something healthy, with maybe a little unhealthy mixed in… and feeling full, while enjoying a great conversation. It’s just the best.
In a recent post, I talked about my rediscovery of a hobby. That hobby was reading. One evening I read a book from cover to cover. The specific book and overall experience of giving myself the time to read for this length of time was gratifying.
Why finding delight is so important
heart and soul
In my experience, when I am feeling delighted, it is my true expression of my heart and soul. It is a sign that I am going in the right direction, and for that matter, that I am in the moment. In a way, it is pure peace with a bit of energy sprinkled in. Allowing yourself the feeling of delight, is just one way to be true to yourself!
Allow delight to be a compass! In her blog, Kris Carr describes using the feeling of delight as a compass. To this, she suggests, slowing down before an activity or even a small decision and checking in with yourself to ask, “Will this delight me?” It is a good way to determine if your actions, words and thoughts are pointing you in the right direction!
Contagious (in a good way)
I never thought I’d be using the word contagious on my blog, however this is in the POSITIVE sense. Think of the last time you had a giggle-fit. I remember mind vividly. It really is just about contagious! When you are so much enjoying something, it is rather hard for those around you not to soften up and join in!
Nurture others and yourself
Think of the last time, you shared your delight about your significant other, or even the cashier at the store. Typically when expressing your excitement and happiness about another, it provides a soul level nurturing for that person. Not to mention, if you find delight in someone else, they typically also find delight in you!
And lastly, it is extremely important to let down your guard with your own self. And find delight for yourself. That’s right, put aside all the things you think you could have done better. Slow down your breathing and allow yourself the moment to find delight for yourself.
What’s next?
I recommend starting with remembering what makes you feel that inner joy, that delight and exuberance! Do something you enjoy doing. Slow down your thoughts long enough to appreciate the moment. Tell someone that their smile, or some characteristic of theirs is utterly delightful.
Otherwise, on my blog, maybe go over to the perfect day ‘this or that‘ post and fill it out for yourself. For today’s post I’ve created some phone backgrounds for you, which say ‘find delight today’. This is meant to be a simple little reminder. Or go over to Pinterest and find some pictures representing your delightful topic to update your background.
And lastly, below are some Amazon Affiliate links to books on the topic of DELIGHT.
At the very least, I hope this was enjoyable to read and brought a smile across your face.