Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Over the years, I’ve used hypnosis and guided meditation to help calm my mind. And also, to strengthen my imagination. In my teenage years, I’m thankful my father took me to a hypnotist. Although unconventional, especially at the time; he saw I was in need and knew that it would help. Not only did it help at the time; but it is something I took with me into my adulthood.

Our minds can be difficult to calm down. Especially if we have a ton going on, piling responsibilities, or feel stuck and want more. In these situations, which basically cover all of life, not everyone can simply turn their internal dialogue off. For me, guided meditations, and hypnosis help greatly. They aren’t the permanent solution, but can aid in getting us to a more relaxed state.

In a more relaxed state, we tend to see things more clearly and gain a bit of perspective. You may have already seen some of my affirmation tracks on my channel. These affirmations can also be a way to refocus your mind with new thoughts and stop the spiral of not so great thoughts.

Well, today I present you with my first ever recorded guided meditation. It is a story which will bring you through a walk in the forest. Picture yourself from the first person and follow along. This can also be used to fall asleep to for a more peaceful nights rest. Have a listen, and let me know what you think!

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